An easy way to paint a X-mas card

Today I want to show you how to paint a wonderful motif for a Christmas card in a simple way. For this you need some materials.
– watercolor paper
– watercolor paints
– masking fluid
– some brushes
– a stick or some painting knife
– a pencil

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Lets start with the first step. First I drew a curved line to mark the reason. After that I have drawn the snow areas. I arranged these in a triangular shape. Do not do this too evenly otherwise it will not look natural.

Next I apply the masking liquid with an old brush or a fine tip applicator.

For the snow on the ground, I roughly scrub the masking liquid over the paper with a stick.

After setting some snowflake points on the paper, I moisten the area of the sky with clear water.

I color the sky with a medium blue. And while the paint is still wet, I paint the areas between the snow a bit darker with a mix of blue and green.

After everything is bone dry I firstly paint some blue on the ground and then I paint another darker layer of mixed blue and green over the areas between the snowy branches.

Again, I let everything dry well. Now comes the fun part, removing all the masking fluid with a papertowel or just your finger.

Note to never dry masked paper with a hairdryer. The masking fluid can tear the paper or sticks forever on it.

At the end I am adding some shadows on the bottom side of the snow. So it looks more realistic.

The snowy painting for the card is now finished

I hope this tutorial helps you with your xmas cards. Feel free to subscribe to my e-mail list to get notified if there is a new tutorial or blog entry out.

If you want you can watch the full video tutorial on YouTube.

Here you can see which products I used.

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